Category: Business Resources

TIF: A Powerful Tool For Economic Development

In 1984, Henry County Commissioners made the bold move of adding the option of Tax Increment Finance to the county’s economic development toolbox. TIF captures increases in assessed value from new development to finance projects designed to stimulate economic development activity. […]


Indiana Launches Entrepreneurship Portal

Indiana Secretary of Commerce Brad Chambers recently announced the launch of ConnectIND, a digital portal designed to increase support for entrepreneurs and founders and power Indiana’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. The new tool, which was first announced during Global Entrepreneurship Week in November 2022, is the first portal of its kind to provide comprehensive, statewide […]


Dozens of Local Businesses Benefit from COVID Grants

Recovery funds impact more than 200 jobs The Indiana Offices of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) put nearly a quarter-million dollars back into Henry County this spring to fight lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This was the third round of funding Henry County businesses received through the COVID-19 Response […]


Launch Night Leads To Community Coffee Spot

Last March, Ben Hamm stood before the crowd and judges at the Business Builder Launch Night and presented the dream he and his wife Emily had: a coffeehouse in downtown New Castle. The Hamms won the competition and used the funds to purchase a point-of-sale system. This system is a […]


A closer look at regional wage study

Childcare costs are a concern for most employers. Earlier this month, county officials got a look at a wage and benefit survey for Henry and seven other counties. The New Castle Henry County Economic Development Corporation (EDC) partnered with other counties in the East Central Indiana region to conduct a […]


EDC Shares Findings From Entrepreneurship Study

Larger employers usually take the headlines when it comes to economic development. The New Castle-Henry County Economic Development Corporation (EDC) serves large employers and is also focusing on entrepreneurship as an economic growth strategy. […]