How will Henry County grow and develop in the future? The county’s updated comprehensive plan will serve as a road map to answer this question, and more. The New Castle-Henry County Economic Development Corporation is working alongside the county’s plan commission and other community partners to create and implement this plan.
The purpose of the comprehensive plan is to develop a framework that will serve as the basis for the commission’s future recommendations and decisions. This plan will provide local decision makers with insight into the larger community’s vision and values; something that will be of particular importance when the county’s legislative bodies are faced with important decisions.
American Structurepoint Inc. has been guiding the community through the planning process, drawing on the advice and expertise of local community members. Through stakeholder meetings, public open houses, and online surveys, American Structurepoint’s planning professionals have encouraged discussions about land use planning, housing, recreation, transportation, economic development, education, and other aspects of community life.
Dozens of community leaders attended stakeholder meetings to identify opportunities and challenges within Henry County. The public open houses held to date have offered the entire community the chance to share input about their hopes and dreams for the county. Throughout the process, online surveys and quick polls have gathered information for use within the plan. The planning team will be at the Mooreland Fair to share initial findings and seek additional feedback. The completed plan will be unveiled at the REMC Community Day in the fall of 2017.
After the plan is complete, it will be used as a basis for all land use and development decisions and will serve as a point of reference for the community over the next 10 to 20 years. It is anticipated that the final plan will create opportunities for private investment and enhance quality of life, while simultaneously protecting natural resources and prime agricultural lands.
For more information about the Henry County Comprehensive Plan, visit