Henry County earns work ready certification


Henry County is a Certified Work Ready Community (WRC) through ACT.  According to ACT, “participants leverage the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) to measure and close the skills gap – and build common frameworks that link, align and match their workforce development efforts.”

Henry County joins five other counties (Delaware, Randolph, Wayne, Fayette and Rush) in Indiana that are certified and have embraced this community led workforce development strategy.

We are thankful to our many partners, especially the New Castle Career Center, local businesses who supported the effort from the beginning and Work One

The NCRC is obtained by taking three Work Keys assessments: Applied Math, Graphic Literacy and Workplace Documents.  According to ACT,  the Applied Math assessment measures critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and problem solving techniques for situations that actually occur in today’s workplace. The Graphic Literacy assessment measures the skill needed to locate, synthesize, and use information from workplace graphics. The Workplace Documents assessment measures the skills people use when they read and use written text such as memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, bulletins, policies, and regulations on the job.

Workforce development is a long term dynamic conversation for communities and businesses.  The power of the work ready initiative is its focus on fundamental foundational skills, which transcend business sector and size

The NCRC is a reliable predictor of workplace success and provides a framework for helping people where they are at. The certification was earned by Henry County achieving specific data driven goals for the number of certificate holders within the emerging, current and transitioning workforce.  Over 2,000 people in Henry County have earned the National Career Readiness Certificate.

For more information, please visit https://www.workreadycommunities.org/ or by calling the Economic Development Corporation at 765-521-7402.

-Corey Murphy

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