Tag: Courier article

More local properties being transformed by 2nd EPA grant

Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, former business properties are coming back to life, thanks in large part to the New Castle-Henry County Economic Development Corp. At a recent EDC meeting, board members learned that another Environmental Protection Agency grant is helping transform places suspected of contamination into new […]


Local EMS crews busier than ever

What started with Chuck Wood and his one-ton Dodge panel truck on Dec. 8, 1944 has evolved into a versatile, multi-faceted daily lifesaver for Henry County. The New Castle-Henry County Emergency First Aid Unit made more than 6,700 runs in 2020. Josh Russell, the unit’s director, recently gave the New […]


EDC hoping to get another round of COVID relief funds

After going to bat for the city of New Castle, the local economic development office wants to take a swing at helping businesses in the county. Last week, members of the New Castle-Henry County Economic Development Board of Directors authorized the local office to serve as a “sub-recipient” in another […]


Parks board wants to pursue new bond issue

In an era of caps and circuit breakers that limit property taxes, it’s anything but a nasty four-letter word. On the contrary. In many cases, it’s a God-send. B-o-n-d. Monday night, members of the New Castle Parks and Recreation Board listened intently to a presentation by local Economic Development president […]


New city BoAC takes off as sole operator of airport

Lift-off of a new Board Aviation Commissioners officially came at 6:30 p.m. Monday. For the first time, a newly appointed city board met and organized, putting Marlatt Field clearly under New Castle’s supervision. For more than 40 years, the airport had been a joint city-county operation. County officials, charged with […]


ECI recognized at 21st Century Talent Region

Indiana Secretary of Career Connections and Talent Blair Milo virtually joined state and local officials recently to announce the East Central Indiana (ECI) Region as Indiana’s tenth 21st Century Talent Region, a statewide designation awarded to Indiana communities focused on working collaboratively to attract, develop and connect talent. “Over 70 […]


Former visitors bureau facility sold

Last in a series A house along State Road 3 sold recently because its occupants are on the move – in more ways than one. New Castle-Henry County Economic Development Corp. President Corey Murphy announced at last week’s City Council meeting the yellow house which served as home to the […]


EDC now working on a triple crown of projects

First in a series Eight years ago this week, Corey Murphy began serving as the New Castle-Henry County Economic Development Director. Since then, he and his dedicated team consisting of Penny York and Kelli Wasson have become such good jugglers, local officials hope the circus doesn’t lure them away. Murphy […]